Monday, June 25, 2007

Who Woulda Thought

I accomplished a goal of a life time this past year, when I took and passed a scuba course offered by a good friend and business co-worker, Sam VanMeter. Sam taught a group of us that work together to scuba dive. I had already planned to go to Belize with my boss and a group of friends. By finishing the scuba class and getting course work completed, I was able to do my open water certification in Belize.
This picture is from my first dive in Belize. I had a wonderful time learning this new skill and opening up a whole new world. It was the best!
I am heading the Grand Bahamas next.....stay tuned!
Eternal Thanks to Sam Van Meter my scuba dooba instructor!

1 comment:

Williams Family Dirt said...

That is so exciting! I am too chicken to try anything daring; too paranoid of something happening I guess. But that is awesome that you got something marked of your "list"! I believe mine still needs some checkmarks...