Sunday, July 8, 2007


I am so happy to report that Ethan Alexander Lewis arrived and became a U.S citizen on Saturday the 7th of July. Loralee called me from Michigan when they arrived and came through customs. I missed the call unfortunately but did later visit with both Lee and Loralee on the phone when Loralee arrived with Ethan in Dallas. They had just gotten home.

She reports that he was an angel the whole long trip and that everyone on the planes were helpful and smitten with Ethan. She said that when she came through customs, the person said," when I stamp this, he will officially be a U.S. Citizen." Loralee cried and I cried when she told me that. Can you believe after all these months, he is finally with his parents?

Soon, we will have new photos to post but for now, here is one of the old ones that shows his wonderful sweet personality. WELCOME ETHAN!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

The Journey Home begins

I was so excited this morning knowing that Loralee is heading to Kampala to get Ethan today. Hopefully all will go smoothly and he will be home within the week. I know that the kids are over the moon excited for their family to be re-united. My thoughts have been of almost nothing but Ethan, and how this will all be so new for him. I hope that he adjusts to all the love and care that he is in for.....somehow I think he will. Can't wait for new pictures and such so that we can see him. My trip down there is up in the air at the moment. I can't really go until they get home and get him settled. Then I am headed that direction.

How lucky we are to have him!