Thursday, February 11, 2010

Lost youth with Elton John and Billy Joel

Last night I firmly figured out that I am not the party girl I once was! My reality check came in the form of a full day. Normally at 20, 30, 40 and even at a pretty good guess 45, 47 48 and ....well..... 48, I could have had this day without too much problem. Up to the gym at 5:15. Off to work at 8:15. Work a full eight hours skipping lunch and then meeting a date for the trip on the MAX train to the downtown area. Walking several miles trying to find the restarant that meets with Ty's approval since he didn't pre-plan the location but was winging it! Dinner, cocktail, and a hike and a hop back on the MAX to the Rose Garden. Watch the rousing Billy Joel / Elton John concert. ( notice that Billy got first billing in my version of this story?)(EJ may be a sir, but Billy was clearly the KING when it came to ageing well and maintaining his crowd pleaseing ability not to mention though he can't hit the high notes he still has 80% of his range and all of it's quality) Fighting the MAX crowd onto the train and riding back to the cars. Drive home and arrive by 12:23. Bed by 12:24, sleep by 12:25.

Awake at 5:15 a.m. NO WAY...sleep again til 7:15! Roll out of the bed onto the floor, and crawl to the bathroom. Use all the upper limbs to pull the lower ones up to the bathroom vanity height and glare at my blood stained and bleary eyed self. There is where it hit me....GIRL, your party animal days are over! LOL

How did it happen? When did it happen? I don't know but tonight at 7:00 pm( the day of the this epiffany) I am probably not going to ponder it's loss much because I will be sound alseep by 7:02!

Party Girl over and out! (operative word here is OUT)

* wink

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